registry : 8(391)220-15-54
reception: 8(391)228-07-47
660022, Krasnoyarsk, st. Partizan Zheleznyak, 3d;
KGBUZ "Krasnoyarsk Regional Pathological and Anatomical Bureau"
chief physician,
Bekuzarov Sergey Soslambekovich
The main organizational and methodological center of the pathological and anatomical service in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the Regional State Health Institution - the Krasnoyarsk Regional Pathological and Anatomical Bureau (KKPAB), organized in December 1988 on the basis of the order Ministry of Health. The first head of the bureau was Baranovsky A.A., and from 1993 to December 2012, the head was Sokolov Vladimir Dmitrievich, a doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of Russia, chairman of the Regional Attestation Commission of Pathologists. Since December 2012 Bekuzarov Sergey Soslambekovich, doctor of the highest category, chief freelance pathologist of the region, has been appointed head. The Krasnoyarsk regional pathological and anatomical bureau serves more than 90 medical institutions in the city of Krasnoyarsk and the region. Primary activity "KKPAB" is aimed at further improving the treatment and preventive care of the population by improving the life-time diagnosis of diseases, clarifying the causes of death, monitoring the quality of the treatment and diagnostic process, improving the professional skills of clinicians and pathologists, and analyzing defects and errors diagnostics and treatment. For many years, there has been a close scientific and practical relationship with the Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy, the Department of Pathological Anatomy. P.G. Podzolkov, headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.K. Kirichenko. On the base "KKPAB" practical classes are held with students of the 2nd and 3rd courses of the KrasGMA in the discipline "Pathological Anatomy", interns and residents are trained, and classes are held with students of the medical college. The bureau employs 45 pathologists and 80 laboratory assistants. The total number of employees of the bureau is 165 people.
As part of the KGBUZ "KKPAB" 4 pathological and anatomical departments:
pathological and anatomical department No. 1 (PAO No. 1), head of the department Merkushev Yury Anatolyevich;
pathological and anatomical department No. 2 (PAO No. 2), head of the department Maksimova Tatyana Vladimirovna;
pathological and anatomical department No. 3 (PAO No. 3), head of the department Shishigina Svetlana Valerievna;
Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (OKLD), Head of the Department Rodchenko Nina Sergeevna.
All departments have a powerful material and technical base and highly qualified personnel, they have a modern technical base for morphological processing of material at the level of requirements, using the methods of histological, bacteriological, virological and cytological analysis. The base department as part of the KGBUZ "KKPAB" is a multidisciplinary pathological and anatomical department No. 1 - the most numerous in terms of staff. The department employs highly qualified pathologists and histologists.
IGH laboratory.
The oldest employee of the department, Honored Doctor of Russia Tabolyantseva Serafima Nikolaevna, stood at the origins of the Krasnoyarsk prosectura, founded in 1946 on the basis of the Regional Clinical Hospital. Every year, the department's doctors perform more than 500,000 surgical and biopsy studies, including up to 4,500 urgent intraoperative studies. Modern histological and histochemical research methods are widely used in the work of the department; "KKPAB" a new subdivision - the laboratory of IGH (the head of the laboratory is Vershinin Igor Viktorovich).
Cabinet of electron microscopy
An integral part of the work of a pathologist is to conduct autopsies with the identification of the cause of death of the patient and the comparison of the pathological and anatomical diagnosis with the clinical one. About 1,300 autopsies are performed at the bureau each year. On the basis of the department, a museum of macropreparations has been created, a collection of micropreparations has been collected, regularly replenished with interesting exhibits. The tasks of early diagnosis of malignant tumors, the number of which is growing every year, are helped by those organized on the basis of the Regional Oncological Dispensary, Pathological and Anatomical Department No. 2.
In 1990, as part of the KGBUZ "KKPAB" the department of pediatric pathology was organized (since 01/01/2017, the pathological and anatomical department No. 3). The department cooperates with 42 medical institutions in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In close contact, the staff of the department work with the Regional Genetic Center, the Family Planning Center, maternity hospitals in Krasnoyarsk, together with the doctors of these institutions, exercising high-quality control over the diagnostic process of detecting congenital pathology, infectious intrauterine diseases, which allows in practice to reduce infant mortality. Since 1993 in the composition "KKPAB" entered the city centralized cytological laboratory. Head Rodchenko N.S. - Healthcare Excellence. Enthusiasts with a high professional level work in this laboratory. The task of the cytological service is to identify background pathology, precancerous changes and early forms of cervical cancer, as well as malignant neoplasms of other localizations. Every year it becomes obvious that the close connection of the clinic and morphology is becoming an urgent need for the recognition of diseases and the treatment of patients, since the correct diagnosis, the choice of treatment method and, ultimately, the life of the patient depend on timely and accurate diagnosis. The introduction of new technologies allows reaching a new qualitative level in the diagnosis and verification of pathological processes.