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Screening for cervical pathology by liquid cytology

Krasnoyarsk Regional Pathological and Anatomical Bureau.

   Screening for cervical pathology is a set of measures aimed at the prevention and early diagnosis of cervical tumors. Traditional screening methods, including cytological examination, do not provide the proper level of information content and reproducibility of results. Liquid cytology has been a breakthrough factor in this field. It is thanks to the use of the method of liquid cytology, based on the manufacture of preparations using modern sophisticated equipment, that it became possible  bring the level of diagnostics of cervical pathology to an unprecedented level of accuracy.

For the first time on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Regional Pathological and Anatomical Bureau introduced the method of liquid cytology using expert-level equipment -  BD SurePath™ Liquid-Based Pap Test - BD .

   The use of a standardized technique makes it possible to conduct a study of all 100% of the cells obtained by sampling from the cervix and cervical canal without loss, which, along with an increase in the information content of the method, eliminates the need for repeated patient visits to the doctor.

The unique cell enrichment process separates and removes blood, mucus and other interfering materials from the sample, transferring only the material most suitable for diagnosis to the slide. As a result, the reliability and accuracy of the result obtained increases several times, which plays a special role in the diagnosis of tumor processes of the cervix.

   The use of the BD SurePath™ Liquid-Based Pap Test - BD technology in the bureau allows obtaining material from the patient not only for cytological examination itself, but also, if necessary, for subsequent immunocytochemical and PCR studies to verify high oncogenic risk viruses while preserving the sample in canned form up to 6 months.

   All studies are carried out as soon as possible, not exceeding 3 working days with the provision of the result of the study with recommendations in accordance with the most modern protocols.

   The study is carried out by specialists  strictly using certified devices and reagents within the framework of a valid license without transferring materials to third parties. All complex diagnostic cases are subject to review by three experienced doctors with a collegial opinion.

   The territorial proximity of the institution allows the patient or his representative to receive all the materials, including cytological preparations and vials with the remaining material, in the shortest possible time.

   Also, the bureau can scan ready-made preparations with the provision of electronic copies of materials to the patient on the scanner of the leading manufacturer in this field 3DHISTECH, which do not have a shelf life, and allow consultations in any other institution without the need to damage the glasses.  

   If you want to receive a service for the study of cervical material by liquid cytology or implement the method in your institution, you need to contact the head of the laboratory, Igor Viktorovich Vershinin, by phone: +79232743784.

   Currently, the Bureau cooperates on an ongoing basis with the Borisovs' diagnostic and treatment clinic, whose specialists collect material for research at the address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Aerovokzalnaya d. 8., tel:  (391) 220-05-04, 232-72-83, 278-40-74, website: http://borisova24.rf .

   To conclude an agreement with an organization (legal entity), you must download the application on the bureau's website at the link: (documents section - application for the conclusion of an agreement) and send it to the legal department and personnel work on e-mail:

For all other questions that arise, please contact: the head of the laboratory Igor Viktorovich Vershinin by phone: +79232743784.

   Address of the institution: Krasnoyarsk, st. Partizan Zheleznyak 3 "D".

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